Here are just a few things people have said about Twinkle Toes...

Liv & Lyra
"Thank you so much for our lovely and wonderful times at TwinkleToes, such a happy place to be, whatever the weather, its always cheery at Twinkle Toes. Run by two really lovely people, we mums/grandmas were always welcomed as much as the children. Your care and guidance of the children is so perfect, firm but so kind, gentle and loving, no mum or child ever felt ill at ease. I loved the element of fun you brought to the sessions and I think your sense of humour kept us mums coming back again and again. Thank you so much for some lovely times.
Viv and Lyra (now at school)
Clare & her two children
Both my children ( 4 months and 2 years) love Twinkle Toes. It is the only thing I have found which is equally suitable for them both. Mandy and Anthea interact wonderfully with the children and have the perfect mix of structure and free play during the sessions. Worth every penny and more.
Clare Osborne
Sarah & Alex
"Twinkle Toes is such a positive experience for Alex each week. The sessions are well structured and organised which have noticeably improved his concentration. The same can be said for his confidence and interpersonal skills such as sharing, listening and communication.
It's great to see Alex experience numbers, shape, colour, and other pre-school themes through well co-ordinated music and movement activities."
Lisa, Alfie & Marley
"We've been going to Twinkle Toes since my first born was 5 months old and are still going now he's 4 and my daugter is 2! They both love the group and Anthea and Mandy facilitate the mix between age groups perfectly so that my little one could take part with her older brother. He'll soon be starting school but Marley and I hope to still be enjoying the groups together. Great value for money and great fun for pre school kids right from 5 months to school age.
Carolyn and her son
My son is now nearly 3 and we have been going since is was about 4 months old and from day one, he has loved it! It's a nice fun session for both the child and parent, and we both look forward to attending each week! He loves the structure but also the free play time too.We now travel from Verwood to Christchurch to attend and have also arranged pre-school on days that he can carry on attending for as long as possible, best session each week he attends by far......Anthea and Mandy are brill and my son's confidence has improved greatly from being at Twinkle Toes.
Carolyn Reynolds-Bryant